
About this style

Contemporary dance is a style that evolved from classical ballet and modern dance in the middle of the 20th century. The style rapidly gained popularity in Europe and the United States, and it is now one of the dominant dance styles in the world. Contemporary dance is all about expressing one’s emotions and conveying a certain message by means of one’s body, yet it still is rather structured and involves strong leg work. Certainly, the style has particular moves that distinguish it from other genres, among which are floor work as well as fall and recovery elements. Additionally, it is also characterized by sudden changes in direction, speed, and rhythm.

The style is rather academic, meaning most contemporary performers have more or less formal dance education, and most performances take place in theaters or fancy venues. Plus, since it often involves challenging moves and steps, the style is much more difficult to master compared to some other dance styles. Nonetheless, enthusiasts can still try contemporary, and many dance studios and online platforms offer classes for adults. So if you want to try this style, you can explore our contemporary dance course.

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